"The magic didn't happen to him. The magic happened to me." Amazingly, these were the words of abuse victim after letting go of years of resentment toward his father. So what happened? One day, fed up with pain he'd been carrying around for so long, he paid a visit to his dad. The "magic" occurred while they were looking at Ben's Continue Reading
Dove Controversy: Real Beauty Gone Viral
Some like it. Others hate it. Dove's latest ad campaign video about a wearable beauty patch has struck a nerve and gone viral. (Spoiler alert!) The women highlighted in the experiment feel their beauty and self-worth increase, while thinking drugs are helping them get there. As it turns out, the patches are only placebos. The video concludes: Continue Reading
Is There a Way Out of Negative Cycles of Thought?
"PIES. COOKIES. WHOOPIE PIES," announced the sandwich board along a winding Maine road. We were easily persuaded. We pulled over to the roadside stand to find fresh-baked blueberry pie, strawberry rhubarb pie and those whoopie pies, as well as maple cookies and fresh jam. Standing to attention with her ears back and tail wagging, a Continue Reading
De-stress From Distress Through a Little Soul Searching
I'd never felt so unfairly accused. My boss told me of a complaint she'd received about my attitude, management style and performance which I felt was grossly unjust. But instead of coming to my defence, in my dumbstruck silence she said: "I think you should take tomorrow off and think about what has happened. Maybe that will help you Continue Reading
Can love avert a mental breakdown? Depends on the love!
An acquaintance who writes for for PsychologyToday.com generously posted an article I wrote on on her blog here. Thanks Madora! Equilibrium. Sound unrealistic given the avalanche that is your to-do list? You’re not alone. Check out the faces of drivers around you or people walking down the street, and it’s not hard to see others sporting a Continue Reading
Tour de Happiness
I'm lightheartedly gliding along a beach-side path on a gold rental bike with silver arched handlebars. Suddenly I hear someone screaming "Aaaaahhhrrrr!" It sounds like an angry pirate is heading toward me. I quickly realize I’ve crossed over into the wrong lane by mistake as I made space for a friend riding next to me. A guy dressed for some Continue Reading